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Leadership Video – Garde Robes Gagnon, Colors

By 2021/01/10April 16th, 2021No Comments

Video production of a short video for Garde Robes Gagnon in partnership with Woma Marketing

Woma Marketing approach us to create a video for one of their clients, Garde Robes Gagnon

The idea was to create an interview with one of the experts of the brand so they can explain in simple terms the tendencies of the year

The challenge: Create an expert interview video.

The solution: Create an expert video interview to show the tendencies of the year.


In the Inbound Methodology, this video belongs to the Awareness Stage on the Buyer’s Journey.

With awareness, the audience will know what Garde Robes Gagnon do and what solutions can bring to their customer’s life.

With leadership videos they establish them as a source of industry news and insight.



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